Jun 17Liked by Robert LaCombe

Love love LOVE this, Robert! You have a gift with words and storytelling. Magnificent!

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Your connection to the Appalachian spaces and all your flying, pecking, screeching friends is something to behold my friend.

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Yes, I’ve been here now for over 32 years! It’s gotten in my blood. All the places that were wild that I grew up and wandered in Canada (Ontario) are all developed now. This is my new home now and it seems to be a good fit.

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Jun 17Liked by Robert LaCombe

My chickens don’t like being scratched, but they sure love their treats! Often we pull up a seat and gaze at them like we are sitting around a campfire.

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Chickens are hilarious ! We do the same thing with ours . We give them voices and have them carry on ridiculous conversations.

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I love Llikdaor the Raven and I love everything about this story. Arya the Cockatiel does the same thing with his beak when he wants more rubs. I have to comply. Then he stays on my leg and grinds his beak. Happiness.

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There is no saying no. Impossible to resist. I think cuddling them brings us more pleasure than it does them.

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Jun 16Liked by Robert LaCombe

As a Catholic northerner living in Texas, I completely relate to your sentiments about getting use to the Baptist way. It takes awhile. This is a terrific story!

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Thanks Ann. Religious behaviors are funny when they’re not mean or dangerous.

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Thanks Jeanne, there is so much more to the story and Llikdaors life. I hope I can find the time to finish.

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